Megan McLachlan

Pure Spunkmuffin. Forget the studio walls, I want to see my pieces careening through a parking lot in a flurry of color and zest, or floating in a beautifully tweaked out Japan Air. My subjects center on micro perspectives with a focus on blurring boundaries, sweeping side angles, and using high chromatic techniques. In the studio, I prefer to paint/create from living specimens in my beanies and kicks. Due to the nature of my subjects as well as my formal education, my work frequently exhibits nuances of memento mori.

Born in London, I grew up in the USA and spent my summers traveling from Scotland to Poland. Throughout the differential swirl of languages and multicultural nuances that inundated my childhood, the skateboarding scene is one that inspires as it carries across continents. Iā€™m stoked to be part of the HA! Skateboards Artists community.